Kabsch Algorithm

Usage / Example

using BiomolecularStructures.Kabsch
# Define two matrices P, Q:
P = [-1. 0. 0.; 0. 0. 0.; 0. 1. 0.; 0. 1. 1]
Q = [0. -1. -1.; 0. -1. 0; 0. 0. 0.; -1. 0. 0.]

RMSD before superimposing:

julia> rmsd(P, Q)


After running the Kabsch algorithm:

julia> kabsch_rmsd(P, Q)


Exported functions


rmsd(A::Array{Float64,2}, B::Array{Float64,2})

Calculates the root mean square deviation of two matrices A and B in using the following formula (Kavraki, L. 2007):

RMSD formula

A a matrix

B a matrix



Returns the centroid of a matrix m as a [x y z] vector (An Array{Float54,2}).

m a matrix


translate_points(P::Array{Float64,2}, Q::Array{Float64,2})

Translates two matrices P, Q so that their centroids are equal to the origin of the coordinate system.

P a matrix

Q a matrix



Calculates the optimal rotation matrix of two matrices P, Q and superimposes the two matrices

reference a matrix to superimpose on.

coords the matrix to be rotated

Using translate_points it shifts the matrices' centroids to the origin of the coordinate system, then computes the covariance matrix A:

Covariance Formula

Next is the singular value decomposition of A:

SVD formula

It's possible that the rotation matrix needs correction:

Sign correction formula

The optimal rotation matrix U is calculated:

Optimal rotation matrix U

The last two steps are translating U so that the superimposed matrix will "fit" to the reference matrix and then performing the rotation and shifting it to the origin of the coordinate system.

The function returns the superimposed matrix.


kabsch_rmsd(P::Array{Float64,2}, Q::Array{Float64,2})

Directly returns the RMSD after rotation for convenience.

P reference matrix

Q matrix to be rotated


The Kabsch algorithm (Kabsch 1976, Kabsch 1978), solves a constrained orthogonal Procrustes problem. In Greek mythology Procrustes, ("the stretcher") is a son of Poseidon who invited travelers to his home and then stretched (or amputated limbs in later versions) to fit his guests to an iron bed using his smith's hammer.

A Procrustes problem is to compare two (or more) shapes. For this, they must be optimally superimposed by translating, rotating and scaling them.

The constraint applied is that only rotations of the shapes (or matrices in this case) are allowed. Additionally, reflections are not allowed.

In Bioinformatics this applies to superimposing the Cα atomic coordinates of two protein structures so that the RMSD (Root mean squared deviation), one of the most commonly used difference measures (Kavraki, L. 2007), is minimal.

To illustrate this, the following excerpt of the PDB file of human deoxyhaemoglobin shows part of one of the alpha chains of the structure. The Cα atomic coordinates shown can be used to construct a reference matrix which together with another matrix of coordinates (constructed the same way) could serve as the input of the algorithm.

ATOM     17  CA  SER A   3      12.286  19.774   7.034  1.00 27.60           C  
ATOM     18  C   SER A   3      13.529  20.322   6.334  1.00 30.36           C  
ATOM     19  O   SER A   3      13.995  19.754   5.344  1.00 27.40           O  
ATOM     20  CB  SER A   3      12.719  19.060   8.326  1.00 23.83           C  
ATOM     21  OG  SER A   3      13.844  18.245   8.107  1.00 29.07           O  
ATOM     22  N   PRO A   4      14.075  21.454   6.786  1.00 37.36           N  
ATOM     23  CA  PRO A   4      15.285  22.042   6.167  1.00 39.58           C  
ATOM     24  C   PRO A   4      16.466  21.103   6.290  1.00 21.30           C  
ATOM     25  O   PRO A   4      17.288  21.019   5.368  1.00 32.82           O  
ATOM     26  CB  PRO A   4      15.637  23.315   6.942  1.00 45.84           C  
ATOM     27  CG  PRO A   4      14.398  23.603   7.765  1.00 43.31           C  
ATOM     28  CD  PRO A   4      13.513  22.346   7.796  1.00 38.50           C  
ATOM     29  N   ALA A   5      16.484  20.391   7.438  1.00 22.62           N  
ATOM     30  CA  ALA A   5      17.533  19.415   7.651  1.00 26.71           C 

Plotting the initial coordinates of both alpha chains (shown in red and green) already hints at a non-minimal RMSD (39.46851976701876 Å).

Initial coordinates alpha chains

After running the algorithm the alpha chains are superimposed and the RMSD is minimized (0.2300387105661853 Å).

Initial coordinates alpha chains


Kabsch, W. (1976). A solution for the best rotation to relate two sets of vectors. Acta. Crystal, 32A:922-923.

Kabsch, W. (1978). A discussion of the solution for the best rotation to related two sets of vectors.Acta. Crystal, 34A:827-828.

Kavraki, L. Molecular Distance Measures. OpenStax CNX. 11. Juni 2007